Each frame is an individual fragment of a deconstructed and discarded painting, manipulated beyond recognition assuming new identity of form and field. Photographed and digitally manipulated by both choice and chance, and set in a loop, the “real” is unknown—each capture speaks to a momentary yet infinite slice of being.


2021-ongoing. ​​​​​​Full screen high-definition streaming optimal. Video projection loops, dimensions variable. Some videos have flashing lights and patterned motion effects. The original composites include raw pigments, dyes, ink, gesso, pumice, paste, glaze, handmade paper, mylar and canvas. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Bleach seed wave melt stretch

Green mesh figure field

Black wave reverse stretch

Pastel dot gain static

Slow low visible stretch wave

Bounded contrast horizon

Contrast side mirror mosh

Green grid slice smear

Desaturated bulge scale warp roll

Decimation vignette

Desaturated optical melt verso

Edge configuration grain

Dark could

Transparent mauve jitter sretch

Gray mesh jaggie whirl

Hard purple mirror jitter

Hot posterize slice

Pastel sweep zone flush catch

Mint lateral wave verso

Saturated hard gitch

Primary glow cycle

Faint glow cycle pulse

Optical melt blur flow

Hard glitch sunrise

Dim pixelated slice wave vignette bulge

Soft glitch mirrored half tone

Neutral vertical flow jaggie