During quarantine, each canvas was stripped of its face revealing pigmented stains, tears, stray threads, fragments and holes. Digitally altered with chance and choice filters and effects, a 12-second human attention span loop is constructed as a persona to examine perceptions and subjective states of being.


2020-ongoing. Video projection loops, dimensions variable. Some videos have flashing lights and patterned motion effects. The original composites include raw pigments, dyes, ink, gesso, pumice, paste, glaze, handmade paper, mylar and canvas.

Amber bias stretch jaggie

Bulge wobble shake smear mirror vignette

Grayscale mirror melt with color mask

Raw stain scan with static

Slow red mirror smear

Hue cycle jitter

Ripped blue mirror melt

Yellow optical melt

Pink stained mirror flow

Dark hue cycle shift mirror glow

White mirror jitter holes

Raw mirror wobble

Soft stained glitch with tear

Hard glitch mirror blur

Pixelated sky shift

Lofi vertical sort pulse

Raw edge still

Maroon matrix pixel pump

Mirror hue cycle feedback

Bleach side fluid mosh

Blue double mirror loop